Guest Speakers
Prof. Anu Gokhale
St. Augustine’s University, USA
Dr. Anu A. Gokhale is currently a Professor and Chair of the Department of Computer Information Systems at St. Augustine’s University. She is scheduled to visit Cairo University in Egypt during spring 2022 as Fulbright Specialist in Big Data Applications. She is a Distinguished Professor Emerita and a Former Coordinator of the Computer Systems Technology program at Illinois State University (ISU). Gokhale has completed thirty years as faculty and has received several College and University research, teaching and service awards. Having earned certifications in online delivery, she was recruited to mentor colleagues in online teaching beginning March 2020. Gokhale was named Fulbright Distinguished Chair in STEM+C at the University of Pernambuco, Brazil, 2016-17; was a Faculty Fellow in Israel and Fulbright Specialist in Cybersecurity at Gujarat Technological University, India in summer 2017. As a Visiting Professor in College of Business at Shandong University in Jinan, China in spring 2017, her focus was on e-commerce. Her achievements encompass extensively cited refereed publications; groundbreaking externally funded research supported by a continuous 20-year stream of grants from state and federal agencies including the National Science Foundation; and elevation of the ISU student experience through excellence in teaching, mentorship, and the creation of opportunities for students to get involved in research. Originally from India, she has a master’s in physics‒electronics from the College of William & Mary, and a doctorate from Iowa State University. Dr. Gokhale authored a second edition of her book Introduction to Telecommunications, which has an international edition in Chinese. She continues to be an invited keynote speaker at various conferences, latest ones include: 2022 International Conference on Information and Computer Technologies, New York City, USA; 2020 International Conference on Information System and Data Mining, San Jose, USA; 2019 International Conference on Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence, Beijing, China; 2018 International Conference on Frontiers of Educational Technologies, Moscow, Russia; 2017 International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Applications, London, UK; 2016 International Conference on Communication and Information Systems, Bangkok, Thailand; and 2015 International Conference on Information Technology, Amman, Jordan. As an active volunteer in IEEE, she has served as R4 Educational Activities Chair, Women in Engineering Coordinator, and MGA representative to the Educational Activities Board. She was honored with the IEEE Third Millennium Medal and 2019 Region 4 Outstanding Professional Award. She consults for business and industry to increase productivity using data analytics and business intelligence while leveraging e-technologies. She has delivered multiple workshops focusing on inclusion & diversity as well as on algorithms and data analytics.
University of Applied Sciences, Kufstein, Austria

Professor (FH) Karsten Böhm studied Computer Science
with a focus on Automatic Language Processing and
Intelligent Systems at universities in Leipzig and
London. Subsequently, he was responsible for the
development and application of information
extraction processes as a project manager in a
technology-oriented start-up company and implemented
knowledge management projects in various industries
and companies together with partner companies. After
returning to the University of Leipzig in 2003, he
worked at the Chair of Business Information Systems
in the third-party funded area on various research
projects in the field of business process-oriented
knowledge management. In 2006, he was appointed
Research Professor of Information Systems at the
University of Applied Sciences Kufstein Tirol, where
he was involved in various European, national and
regional research projects in addition to his tasks
in university teaching. From 2011 to 2022, he first
took over the deputy management and then the
management of various courses at the FH Kufstein
Tirol, including the bachelor's degree program "Web
Business & Technology" and the master's programs
"Web Communication & Information Systems" and "Data
Science & Intelligent Analytics". During this
period, he also headed the Institute for Web-based
Technologies and Applications (WEBTA).
His research interests lie in the field of
IT-supported knowledge management for the
operational support of operational knowledge
processing processes as well as innovation
management in SMEs. Current research deals with the
construction and use of pre-built information spaces
in the context of university study programs and the
use of agile methods for university teaching in the
context of problem-based learning (PBL).
Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) Penang Branch, Malaysia

Assoc. Prof. Ts. Dr Mah Boon Yih, a Professional Technologist, Microso Cerfied Educator, Microso Educator Trainer (2022-2025), Microso Innovave Educator Master Trainer (2021–2022) and Microso Innovave Educator Expert (2021–2025), is an Associate Professor at the Academy of Language Studies, UiTM Penang Branch, Malaysia. He holds three degrees: PhD (E-learning), MA (Applied Linguiscs), and BAEd (Hons) in ELS. Assoc. Prof. Ts. Dr Mah is included in Who’s Who in Science and Engineering 2011-2012 and 2016-2017, Who’s Who in Asia 2012, 2000 Outstanding Intellectuals of the 21st Century (7th and 9th Edions), Top 100 Educators (2012), Diconary of Internaonal Biography (36th-38th Edions), Who’s Who in the World 2013-2015, Top 100 Professionals 2015, Leading Educators of the World 2015, and 50 Fabulous Edutech Leaders 2019. In addion, he is also the winner of the World Educaon Congress Global Awards 2016: Educaon Leadership Award (for Excellence in Educaon, Leadership and Teaching), Rector’s Special Award 2017, Award for Excellence in eLearning 2019, The Top Best E-learning Award 2020, and Anugerah Pengajaran (Kelompok Sains Sosial dan Kemanusiaan) in UiTM AAU2020.